

Hello guys! I hope it's not too late to wish you a beautiful 2021. Welcome back from the long break😉 I must confess that I missed you all. Yeah, it feels so good to be back. Yipee! Sending a virtual hug to you all💗💗💗 Let's dive into our book review. I believe the previous reviews have been impactful, to say the least.  CHAPTER 5: TELL ME MORE. After creating a good social media profile, our job is to make it easy for people to communicate with us. Yemisi discussed some of the things that can help us and they include: 1. Make your 'DM' accessible on Twitter and Instagram, this is so that if someone isn't following you, they can still send a direct message to you. 2. Post links to your platform/blog/CV in your bio. This makes it easy for interested people to contact you when a great opportunity shows up. 3. Include your email address in your bio. 4. As part of your bio, post the links to your other social media accounts such as LinkedIn, where you engage an audien...


WRITING A WINNING BIO On social media platforms,  we have the privilege of giving a summary of who we are. Therefore, we shouldn't misuse this chance of giving a good first impression with our bio. Yemisi explains some top tips on creating a great social media bio. For this review, I'll state just a few of them. 1. Be aware of who your audience is and remember that it might differ across the various social media platforms. 2. Where applicable, include the name of organizations you have worked with as this increases your credibility. 3. Use your bio to tell people what you have been doing, have done, or what you do. (Kindly go through the book to get more tips) As regards including age in your bio, Yemisi says "if you have your age displayed on social media, never display a wrong or exaggerated age". I keep wondering why some persons will claim to be 125 years old on social media when they are actually 25 years old. What exactly is your aim for doing this eeehn? Think ...


Hello guys! It's been a while. I really missed y'all. However, it gives me great joy to be reviewing the third chapter of this mindblowing book by Yemisi Ajeojo. "Tayelolu, you know you have a debate competition next week, you shouldn't appear with this rough hair. You must give a good first impression about yourself eehn..." Those were some of my mum's anthem while growing up as a secondary school student especially when I have competitions. I am glad I took those lessons anyways😊 In the same vein, we should strive to give people a good first impression about us whenever they check our social media profiles. Let's begin with our looks on social media. Your profile picture on social media should not contradict your core values. Yemisi says "your profile picture doesn't have to be serious but, it should reflect what you intend achieving by being on social media". She also shared tips on how to choose a good profile picture. (Do well to find o...


Hey guys! I'm so excited to be reviewing the second chapter of this insightful book. This chapter is what I tag 'hotter than fire.' Kindly stick with me as I help you unravel the hidden treasures in this chapter. What do you want to be known for online? What are your core values? What do you want to achieve by being online? Your answer to these questions will to a large extent determine the kind of image you build for yourself with the contents you post online. Personally, I don't share whatever doesn't sync with my values online because I know it's where I represent my values. For instance, I delight in personal development, spiritual growth, and getting it right maritally amongst other things. Therefore, most of my posts on social media revolve around these areas. I've had to delete some friend requests from people who do not seem to project my core values. Whether we like it or not, our social media profiles will speak volumes about us. Like I stated in t...


  Believe me, regardless of the level you are, this book would definitely change your orientation positively. It is a 94 pages book and the writer did well to include beautifully designed graphics that won't make readers get bored while reading.  Shall we begin? CHAPTER 1- SOCIAL MEDIA IS YOUR NEW CV.  This chapter begins with the writer correcting the assumed notion that she gets amazing opportunities because she studied abroad. She backs this up by narrating how other persons who had never left the shores of Nigeria also gets amazing opportunities as she does. Yemisi says, "irrespective of your background, you can use social media as your CV!" In the past, potential employers can only know your past experiences and the skills you can offer by going through your C.V, but now, the tide has changed. By merely looking at your social media profile, a potential employer can get a good knowledge of what you represent. The goodnews is that CVs are not merely useful for getting ...


Yesterday, I actually went shopping at the Lagos Island market popularly called "Balogun market." However, a particular sight which I saw got me thinking till I got home. You must be wondering what it is already. Well, wonder no more! Out of the numerous shops I visited, I noted that about 3 of them had attendants who happened to be sleeping when I got there. I was really amazed at how somebody will manage to doze off or sleep in a place like Balogun market (I'm sure my Lasgidi friends will understand this better). Hence, I decided to treat the issue of sleep on my blog today. Trust me, I wouldn't want you to be in that same or similar position.  So, here are five (5) signs that you've not been sleeping well. 1. You easily Jonalize. The word "Jonalize" was coined from the story of a man named Jonah in the Holy book who was said to have been sleeping while the ship he was in was almost capsiding and everybody was running helter skelter. Back to the matter...


Few months ago, I fell into depression as a result of so many unpleasant things which I felt was going on in my life. Perhaps, the current uncertainties in the world brought by the Corona Virus Pandemic further triggered my condition. However, one beautiful morning, like the prodigal son, I came back to my senses and said to myself, "Tee, you must not continue this way!" Hence, I took some steps which helped me to bounce back to my usual joyful self.  In this article, I will be sharing five tips that will help you overcome depression. I want you to know that these are not tips that haven't been used before. As a matter of fact, they helped me to re-activate my joyful self. Firstly, you need to realize that depression is never the solution to your present challenges. The realization of this fact is the first step you need to take in order to come out of it. Remember that, a solution is never offered until there's an acknowledgement of a problem. Secondly, know that you...