Yesterday, I actually went shopping at the Lagos Island market popularly called "Balogun market." However, a particular sight which I saw got me thinking till I got home. You must be wondering what it is already. Well, wonder no more!

Out of the numerous shops I visited, I noted that about 3 of them had attendants who happened to be sleeping when I got there. I was really amazed at how somebody will manage to doze off or sleep in a place like Balogun market (I'm sure my Lasgidi friends will understand this better).

Hence, I decided to treat the issue of sleep on my blog today. Trust me, I wouldn't want you to be in that same or similar position. 

So, here are five (5) signs that you've not been sleeping well.

1. You easily Jonalize. The word "Jonalize" was coined from the story of a man named Jonah in the Holy book who was said to have been sleeping while the ship he was in was almost capsiding and everybody was running helter skelter.

Back to the matter, dozing off or sleeping while in school or at place of work is just not good at all. It's simply points to the fact that your body system has been lacking good sleep.

2. You easily loose track of lectures, readings and videos.

3. You easily yawn/blink. If you find yourself yawning frequently or within short intervals,  then it might be that you've not been having a good sleep. 

4. Stumbling unnecessarily. If you observe that you often stumble unnecessarily even when others have passed the same route without stumbling, then it's a sign that you are short of good sleep. So, just before you conclude that it's your village people causing it, please check whether or not you've been having a good sleep.

5. You are often sluggish. This to me, seem like the most common/obvious sign. If you find yourself unnecessarily weak and lacking zeal to do your usual daily activities and you're sure it's not pregnancy palaver (winks), then it could be a sign that you lack good sleep.

I'm convinced you wouldn't consider this post complete if I fail to give solutions to the above stated. They include:

1. Listen to white noise. This could be an audio book or a cool music. You can even listen to your spiritual leaders messages so as to make the environment conducive enough for a good sleep.

2. Ensure you turn off your screen at least 30 minutes before sleeping. This includes phone screen, TV screen, Computer screen and every other screen around you. As a substitute, you can dim the light on your phone screen before sleeping to avoid unwarranted distraction of your body system which is making an effort to reorganize itself for efficient functioning.

3. Be wary of the drinks you take, especially before sleeping. Caffeine and alcoholic drinks doesn't help to have good sleep at all. It rather reduces the quality of your sleep. Instead, you can take a warm non-caffeinated tea.

4. Grab an interesting book and read. Honestly, this works more like magic.  The power of good books can never be overemphasized. Once you begin reading a book with good content ( not errotic content), in no time, you'll find yourself in dreamland and enjoying the beauty of good sleep.

5. Open the window of your mind and let all worries and unforgiveness out. I'm sure you must have heard that, " unforgiveness keeps both you and the offender in mental prison" right? Therefore, good sleep might not visit you if you are nursing grudges against someone or worrying over something. So, let them out because you sure deserve to have a good sleep.

6. Endeavor to pray before you sleep. You must be wondering how prayer relates with sleeping. Well, it may interest you to know that the scripture says that God gives good sleep unto His beloved.

Similarly, the story of Adam as recorded in Genesis has it that God caused Adam to enter into a deep sleep. Permit me to say that God gave Adam a good sleep. Hence, it is not out of place to pray to God for a good sleep. 

In all, don't let anybody deceive you by telling you that sleeping is for the slothful. No! However, understand that moderation should be observed in all our doings.

Always remember that, absence of good sleep is the absence of productivity. 

I hope you got value.

Till I come your way again, I trust you'll begin to enjoy good sleep moving forward. 

PS: I will love to know if there's any sign you are exhibiting which I did not mention above. Kindly let me know in the comment section. 




  1. Thanks for sharing. One sign I usually exhibit when I lack sleep is short attention span and lack of concentration

    1. You're most welcome dear. I'm sure you know better now hun 💜

  2. Very insightful piece.

    First, I'm still puzzled as to how a shop attendant will be sleeping in Balogun market. Balogun Market!😂 Omo, that's Ph.D level of "Jonahlism" mehn.

    Anyway, another way my body tells me I've not had quality sleep is that I experience head aches. Also, I occasionally have "eye bags". As for "Jonalising" that one na regular.

    I look forward to using these tips you've shared tho. In fact, I'm going to sleep now!😆

    1. 😂😂😂
      Thank you so much for reading through.

  3. Great and helpful tips to make us stay disciplined. Anticipate more educative write ups from you. Keep doing great dear.

    1. Thank you so much Emmanuel. I'm glad you found this helpful.

  4. Replies
    1. It's my pleasure. I'm glad you found it insightful. Bless your heart!

  5. Age could be a factor and the distance one has to cover to get to the place of work for some which is coupled with multitask events.

    1. That's true. Thank you so much for taking time to read through.

  6. Thanks for this piece. It's a great one.

    The traits I exhibit are conc headache and heavy eyes...

    1. You're most welcome. I'm sure you know better now. Thanks for reading through.

  7. Thank you so much for this insightful post. The sign I usually exhibit is dozing off unexpectedly and loss of concentration. However, I know better now. Thanks to this post.

    Cheers to a new season of good sleep. More knowledge dear.

  8. Ebitanmi Olubunmi9 September 2020 at 08:41


  9. Thank you so much sis. This is an educative piece. The traits I exhibit are headache and puffy eyes.

  10. Thanks for sharing taiwo


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