
Showing posts from December, 2020


WRITING A WINNING BIO On social media platforms,  we have the privilege of giving a summary of who we are. Therefore, we shouldn't misuse this chance of giving a good first impression with our bio. Yemisi explains some top tips on creating a great social media bio. For this review, I'll state just a few of them. 1. Be aware of who your audience is and remember that it might differ across the various social media platforms. 2. Where applicable, include the name of organizations you have worked with as this increases your credibility. 3. Use your bio to tell people what you have been doing, have done, or what you do. (Kindly go through the book to get more tips) As regards including age in your bio, Yemisi says "if you have your age displayed on social media, never display a wrong or exaggerated age". I keep wondering why some persons will claim to be 125 years old on social media when they are actually 25 years old. What exactly is your aim for doing this eeehn? Think ...